November and December this year brought some unexpected, but very welcomed warmer temperatures. We made sure to get Gwen outside for each of those days as sunshine is one of her favorite forms of medicine.
One afternoon, I took Gwen to the park for some mommy/daughter time. There is a new park close to our house that has the platform swings that she loves! Gwen is unable to utilize any other equipment at the playground but that didn’t stop her from having a great time! She enjoyed the swing (either by herself or on my lap) for about 45 minutes which equaled 45 minutes of squeals of delight, belly laughs, and/or the biggest toothy grin with gapped teeth you’ve ever seen! We were both in Heaven!
There was only two other people at the park which happened to be another mommy/daughter duo. The little girl seemed to be close to Gwen in age. I observed the little girl and caught myself imagining Gwen as a healthy child and running full speed. Just when sadness started to creep in my heart, Gwen taught me another lesson!
This other little girl was having a bad day… all parents of toddlers understand how emotions can vary from devastation to happy in the same 60 seconds!
The little girl was hungry. Mom offered her snack. Unfortunately, Mom didn’t bring any of the right snacks so a tantrum occurred.
The little girl was thirsty. Mom provided her with a drink. Unfortunately, Mom also didn’t bring the right drink so a tantrum occurred.
In an attempt to re-direct the situation, Mom says “honey, we can get a snack when we get home. Go play for a little while longer before we need to leave.” Unfortunately, the playground did not have the right equipment and a third tantrum occurred.
Did we catch this little girl having a bad moment/day- most likely!
I think about Gwen…. a child who cannot eat, a child who cannot drink, a child who cannot sit or stand and therefore cannot play on 90% of the equipment, a child who is blind and does not get to witness the beauty of the park.
I look at Gwen….and she is still squealing in delight! That one piece of equipment she CAN play on is more than enough to make her day!
Gwen smiles when she feels the sun on her body and when she feels the wind in her hair because she finds the beauty in every moment…big or small! Gwen continues to teach us about appreciating all the small things in life as they really are the big moments! I wanted to share this with you in hopes that Gwen can also remind you to appreciate all the small moments throughout your day. May she also be a reminder to find joy in what we have rather than sadness in what we don’t have.