Leading up to Gwen’s 3rd birthday, it only seemed fitting to have a superhero themed party for our extra strong girl!! In preparation for Gwen’s party, I was looking for a superhero cape on the internet. There is a group on Facebook that is essentially a local Etsy so I posted in there “in search of someone who can make a superhero cape for my daughter’s 3rd birthday.” A member of Gwen’s First Steps team saw my post and sent me a text that said “check out Tiny Superheroes if you are looking for a cape for Gwen.”
The next morning, I am on the website for Tiny Superheroes, a local St. Louis company that sells capes for extraordinary kids as they fight their illness/disability. I knew Gwen needed a Tiny Superheroes cape as she has been our hero for the last 3 years. I was getting ready to order her cape when she woke up and my morning became focused on caring for her. Later that day, I went out to check the mail. I opened the mailbox and I see a box that says “Tiny Superheroes.” Massive chills ran up and down my spine. I looked up at the sky and thought “now how did you manage to pull that one off?” With tears in my eyes, I take the box inside the house and open it up to find a personalized cape for Gwen. The card reads, ” Super Gwen, we hope this cape makes you feel like the Tiny Superhero we know you are! Welcome to the squad!” Love, Jessica G
More tears stream down my face. Jessica is a friend of mine from Speech Pathology graduate school. And Jess herself, happens to be a superhero too! Last year, Jessica’s heart stopped following the delivery of her baby girl. Without going into all the details, the prognosis for Jess was grim. But as we all know, the power of prayer plus an extraordinary strength of a mama bear coupled with an amazing medical team allowed Jess to leave the hospital and eventually return to 100% function!! I immediately text her to tell her the amazing story of attempting to order a cape that morning and then her gift arriving a couple hours later. Her response, “I received a miracle earlier this year and now I want to pass my miracle to Gwen.”
As you can imagine, the happy tears continued that day. While we have not received the big miracle we have prayed so hard for; we are certain we have received mini miracles along the way!
With her cape proudly on her back, Super Gwen had a wonderful 3rd birthday and we are so blessed to have another year with our angel!!