• November and December this year brought some unexpected, but very welcomed warmer temperatures. We made sure to get Gwen outside for each of those days as sunshine is one of her favorite forms of medicine. One afternoon, [...]

  • Leading up to Gwen’s 3rd birthday, it only seemed fitting to have a superhero themed party for our extra strong girl!!  In preparation for Gwen's party, I was looking for a superhero cape on the internet. There is [...]

  • Over Christmas Break, Mark and I took Gwen to lunch at a popular burger place. We walk in (Mark holding Gwen) and tell the hostess "we need a table for 2." She gives us a confused look and [...]

  • Looking back at this year leaves me at a loss for words.  How did our first child, that we prayed so hard to conceive, get chosen for such a hard year? This year was one we could have [...]